Financial statements

It’s important to understand the level of information you need to operate a business successfully. Call us and we’ll work with you to determine the most cost-effective means to meet your needs.

Audited financial statements

Audited financial statements are often required by lenders, franchise owners or absentee owners. If you are considering selling a business, buyers will likely request an audited financial statement.

Reviewed financial statements

Bring your prepared financial statement and we’ll analyze it and point out areas of potential concern. If there is a potential issue, we can discuss if you would like to take it to the next level and have an audit.

Financial statement compilation

We will take the information you provide and place it in a professional format.

Fraud examination

When you realize an employee may be misusing their position for personal financial gain, it is an emotional time. While you likely feel betrayed, an objective assessment of what has occurred is critical for you to know the next steps and move on.

Detecting fraud is a specialty not all accounting firms provide. We are proud to employ a Certified Fraud Examiner to audit financials and detect the concerns you need to pursue.

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